&noscript=1 /> Öbersthof - Quality farm products in Feldthurns Hofdetail
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Quality products from the farm in Feldthurns
Josef Kerschbaumer Garnerstraße 25 39040 Feldthurns
M +39 392 6730271 info@oebersthof.it
The farm
The Öbesthof is located at 1340 m above sea level in Garn near Feldthurns. For generations, livestock farming has been practiced here. Since 2019, broiler chickens have also been kept in addition to cattle. "Thanks to the slow-growing wild broiler chicken, regular exercise and organic feed supplemented with hay and clover, the meat is particularly tender and juicy," says farmer Josef, explaining the high quality of his broilers.
Knowing where it's from
At Öbersthof, male and female chicks are reared into hens and cockerels. Thanks to the slow-growing poultry breed, the wild broiler, and the regular exercise, organic feed, additional hay and clover, the meat is particularly tender and juicy.
Every fortnight, the 6 to 10-week-old chickens are slaughtered in a species-appropriate manner, carefully butchered on the farm and prepared for sale. An organic chicken weighs between 1.6 and 3 kg and is particularly tender and juicy.
Product display at Öbersthof
Öbersthof is part of the 'Roter Hahn' brand for the following products:
Broiler chickens
All points of sale
The products from Öbersthof may be purchased via the following outlets:
Also delivered to hotels in the area
Location & arrival
in Feldthurns lies at
1340 metres above sea level.
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