&noscript=1 /> The quality criteria of the Roter Hahn brand
The quality criteria of the Roter Hahn brand
The quality criteria of the Roter Hahn brand

Quality criteria


As different as they may be - all 'Roter Hahn' farms offer the highest level of warm hospitality, authentic farming, farm products and living traditions.

As different as they may be - all 'Roter Hahn' farms offer the highest level of warm hospitality, authentic farming, farm products and living traditions.

The quality criteria of the Roter Hahn brand
Farm holidays
The quality criteria of the Roter Hahn brand
Quality products from the farmer
The quality criteria of the Roter Hahn brand
Farm taverns
The quality criteria of the Roter Hahn brand
Farm handicrafts
Cooking events at South Tyrol's farm cookery school
Cookery school
50 cooking events

Farm holidays

Quality products

Farm taverns

Farm handicrafts

'Roter Hahn' cookery school

'Roter Hahn' cookery school

Immerse yourself in rural life 

In a relatively small area, South Tyrol offers a wealth of landscapes. With its range of over 1,600 farms at altitudes between 200 and 1,900 metres, Roter Hahn does justice to all the rural traditions of the region, whether on the picturesque fruit and wine farms in the lower reaches of the Etsch or on the mountain farms in Alpine locations.


The following quality criteria apply to all 'Roter Hahn' holiday farms:

  • Small structures: the farm may offer a maximum of five holiday apartments or eight rooms.
  • Time expenditure: the time dedicated to farming must outweigh that for looking after the guests. The calculation is based on fixed day shifts.
  • Hospitality: the guests are looked after personally by the farming family.
  • Lively farm: farming is actively practiced on the farm, and guests are also able to gain insight into it.
  • Farm products: on the farm, guests are offered at least one farm product all year round.


Farm holidays offer many unique opportunities to experience rural tradition, connection to nature and loving hospitality very closely.


The quality criteria of the Roter Hahn brand

Quality and origin checked

South Tyrol enjoys an excellent reputation as the country of origin of high-quality local products. Spoilt by the geographical location and the sunny climate, wonderful fruit, healthy vegetables, aromatic herbs and happy animals grow in the fields and in the farm gardens south of the Brenner Pass. The farm's own products from the farmers' manufacturers not only grow in harmony with nature, but are also produced using traditional craftsmanship and processed with the utmost care.


The following quality criteria apply to the farmer's quality products of the Roter Hahn brand:

  • The raw products grow in harmony with nature and at least 75% come directly from the farm.
  • A maximum of 25% can be bought from another farm in South Tyrol.
  • The products are processed by hand directly on the farm.
  • Every product under the Roter Hahn brand has passed a blind tasting by an independent expert committee.
  • Only special, gentle processes are used to conserve the products.


The quality criteria of the Roter Hahn brand

Enjoy the taste at the farmer's

Healthy, natural and unbeatable in taste: products that are served in South Tyrol's rural taverns mostly come directly from farm and field. They offer a treasure trove full of culinary delights, processed according to old traditions. Typical rural dishes from South Tyrol are served personally by the friendly farmers.


The following quality criteria apply to the rural taverns of the Roter Hahn brand:

  • More than 80% of the products come from their own farm and from other farms in South Tyrol.
  • More than 30% of the products come from our own farm and field.
  • No ready meals are permitted. The menu only features dishes that are 100% homemade.
  • Guests are offered at least three homemade juices.
  • The eggs used in the kitchen are South Tyrolean and free-range.
  • The distillates offered are from rural production in South Tyrol.


In the so-called 'Buschenschänken' the wine comes 100% from our the farm's own production and is tested annually by an independent expert commission.
'Hofschänke', on the other hand, offer dishes with meat from their own mountain farm.


Rural hospitality is very important on South Tyrolean farms. In fact, the best farm kitchen is honoured every year with the award 'Tavern of the year'.


The quality criteria of the Roter Hahn brand

Precious unique pieces

For centuries, craftsmanship has played an important role on South Tyrolean farms. For generations people did carving, turning, felting and weaving with great skill. The raw materials usually came directly from the farm or from the immediate vicinity. The passage of time has increasingly pushed this old tradition into the background.

In order to revive the farm handicrafts that had almost been forgotten, some farmers have resumed their activity. Unlike in the past, it isn't everyday objects that are created today, but rather decorative products. The finished works, made using old-fashioned craftsmanship, are valuable and unique pieces, none of which are alike.


The following quality criteria apply to the rural handicraft products of the Roter Hahn brand:

  • All raw materials come from South Tyrol and some of them directly from the farm itself.
  • The products are entirely made by hand on the farm.
  • The products are processed directly on the farm.


The quality criteria of the Roter Hahn brand
Eventprogramm der Roter Hahn Kochschule

Totally regional, traditionally prepared and given innovative interpretation - people can delve into the world of South Tyrolean cuisine and get to know and appreciate new dishes and meals during a culinary experience on a farm with a unique atmosphere. Under the supervision of experienced cooks, you can prepare and enjoy traditional dishes with produce coming 100% from South Tyrol's farms.

Farm produce is put to good use, local ingredients are processed with care and traditional recipes are combined with new ideas at the 'Roter Hahn' cookery school.
The following criteria are valid for the 'Roter Hahn' cookery school:

  • A five-hour-experience - delve into South Tyrol's farm cuisine with five different event themes:
    1. Cooking in tune with nature
    2. From the vegetable garden
    3. Pan-cooked pleasures
    4. Meat - from head to foot
    5. Tasty mountain fare
  • A 4-course menu accompanied by the right wines - from aperitif to dessert
  • Ingredients from South Tyrol's farms - in harmony with the seasons
  • Cooks from South Tyrol - experienced professionals with close ties to their homeland
  • Socialising and teamwork - a great experience both in the kitchen and at the dining table
  • Farm ambience - a working farm with a long tradition
  • Tradition and innovation - age-old recipes meet new interpretations


Roter Hahn

Seal of quality

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Farm handcrafts

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'Roter Hahn' cookery school

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Cookery school
'Roter Hahn' cookery school
Cooking events at South Tyrol's farm cookery school