&noscript=1 /> Kammerhof - Quality farm products in Lana Hofdetail
Quality products from the farm in Lana
Andreas Hillebrand Feldgatterweg 19/1
M +39 333 4660394 info@kammerhof.it
Fruchtsäfte and Honig
The farm
"Species-appropriate keeping of the bees is very important to us," emphasizes young farmer Andreas. The carefully selected locations in the low and high mountains also result in unique honey aromas. In addition to various types of honey, comb honey and valuable pollen, syrups, apple juice, fruit spreads and dried fruit are also produced on the farm produced.
In addition, Kammerhof under the 'Roter Hahn' brand also offers the following
Bauer Andreas
hopes you enjoy the products
mobile +39 333 4660394
Tuesday and Friday from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m
Knowing where it's from
Young farmer Andreas keeps around 250 bee colonies, which collect nectar from the South Tyrolean Unterland to the lower Vinschgau. The offer is plentiful and ranges from alpine roses at 1,900 meters in the Stelvio National Park to forest and chestnut blossoms at various locations in the low mountain range. Pollen is also collected by the beekeeper, which the bees strip off in front of the hive's entrance hole.
The apple orchards of the Kammerhof in Lana also cover an area of 6 hectares. A wide variety of varieties are produced according to the guidelines of integrated cultivation, from Royal Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith and Red Delicious to Winesap, Fuji and Pink Lady.
tends young farmer Andreas
The bees from the Kammerhof produce sweet honey from alpine roses, forest, meadow and chestnut blossom nectar. The young farmer Andreas gets this out of the combs with a special centrifuge, the honey extractor. It is then cooled so that the valuable ingredients are preserved. This creates the high-quality honey in the farm beekeeping. Bee pollen and other honey products such as beeswax wraps are also produced.
In addition, naturally cloudy apple juice is pressed from picked and harvest-ready apples in late autumn. No additives are added to the juice and the full flavor of the fruit is retained thanks to the gentle pressing.
Product display at Kammerhof
The Kammerhof is a member of the "Roter Hahn" brand with the following products:
Naturally cloudy apple juice
Alpine rose honey
Forest honey
Creamy honey
Honey in the comb
Blossom honey
All points of sale
The products from Kammerhof may be purchased via the following outlets:
Farm shop
Tuesday and Friday from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m
Farmers' market
every tuesday in Lana
every saturday in Lana
Also delivered to hotels in the area
Location & arrival
in Lana lies at
300 metres above sea level.
Activities nearby
Lido Lana Bowling Alley
Swimming Pool Lana
Bouldering sports ground Lana
Bouldering sports ground Lana
Bouldering sports ground Lana
Little Museum
E-Lok Lana Burgstall/Postal
Church of St. Anne in Lana
Church of St. Peter
Tourist information Postal/Burgstall
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