&noscript=1 /> Kräutergärten Wipptal - Quality farm products in Pfitsch Hofdetail
Kräutergärten Wipptal
Quality products from the farm in Pfitsch
Gabi und Sepp Holzer, Bernhard Auckenthaler Hintere Gasse 152
T +39 0472 765809 info@biowipptal.it
Kräutertees & Gewürze
The farm
Partner Bernhard, Sepp und Gabi
hopes you enjoy the products
Telephone +39 0472 765809
mobile +39 345 0316008
All points of sale
Farmers' market
Also delivered to hotels in the area
Location & arrival
Kräutergärten Wipptal
in Pfitsch lies at
1200 metres above sea level.
Activities nearby
From Wiesen to the Höllenkragen
Over Gschließegg to Sprechenstein castle
From Wiesen to Sprechenstein castle
Excursion to the snack station Braunhof
Moos Castle and Wiesenheim Palace in Wiesen
Ice-rink Sterzing
The Rosetta Stone of Mithras and Roman Milestone in the Sterzing City Hall
Sterzing City Hall
The Church of St. Elisabeth at the Palace of the Teutonic Order
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