The Children's Egetmann Parade, which takes place on Shrove Tuesday, or mardi gras, in even-numbered years, draws lots of visitors to Tramin.
The Tramin Egetmann Parade is one of the oldest and liveliest carnival customs still going strong in Tyrol. In even-numbered years, the event is dedicated to children.
Just like the grown-up version, Egetmann-Hansl's wedding carriages proceed to Tramin village square heralded by trumpets and cracking whips, 'measure-uppers' and 'path-clearers', as well as snapping puppet creatures. More carnival carts with the baker, smith, cobbler and the famous 'Altweibermühle' follow the colourful procession. The only difference is that the actors are children and girls can take part, too.
There is no point in providing a detailed description of the parade, because you have to see it for yourself. You will only really understand the event when you hear the background noise, smell the freshly-cooked polenta and see the excitement in the eyes of the young protagonists for yourself.