&noscript=1 /> The oldest Krampus parade in South Tyrol The oldest Krampus parade in South Tyrol
Customs in South Tyrol
Customs in South Tyrol
Krampus parade
Krampus parade in Hochpustertal valley
Friday, 06.12.2024 in Toblach
Oldest Krampus parade in South Tyrol

600 Teufel und Krampusse ziehen jedes Jahr in Begleitung des Nikolaus beim größten und zugleich ältesten Krampuslauf des Landes durch Toblach.

Toblach sees 600 devils and scary ‘Krampus’ monsters on the rampage every year accompanied by St. Nikolaus during the largest and oldest Krampus parade in the area.

Oldest Krampus parade in South Tyrol – Toblach

Every year, 600 devils, Krampuses and other monstrous apparitions with their bells, heavy furs and carved masks parade through Toblach accompanied by St. Nikolaus during the largest and oldest Krampus parade in the area.

The route goes from St. Johannesstraße into the village centre, where all the children get a small gift from St. Nikolaus.

There are also ‘Krampus-free’ zones for children and some adults, where they can watch the parade in a calmer environment.

After the parade, a party is held in a heated marquee.

Krampus parade
Krampus parade in Hochpustertal valley
When Friday, 06.12.2024

18.00 - 22.00 Uhr

Where Toblach, Hochpustertal
Urlaubsbauernhöfe im Hochpustertal
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Robert Kiebacher  | Toblach  (The Dolomites)
Farm's own products: milk
Farm offers: Experience everyday life on the farm, Barn visits, Experience the hay harvest
"Very good"
(4 Reviews)
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Farm's own products: herb teas
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Farm's own products: milk, eggs, fruit jams ...
"Very good"
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