&noscript=1 /> A gentle winter on a farm in South Tyrol A gentle winter on a farm in South Tyrol
Gentle winter

Snowmen and rosy cheeks

Winter on a farm involves a range of options as well as a relaxing time.

Winter on a farm involves a range of options as well as a relaxing time. The period from December to March sets its own pace.

Treading softly

Do you know what winter sounds like? Really quiet! But if you listen carefully, you'll hear snowflakes falling, the soft crunch of steps around the farm, the reassuring crackling of the open fire and the whistling of the kettle in the farm kitchen. It's winter like in the storybooks on holiday farms in South Tyrol. Here, your snowy surroundings are gentle, life is lived close to nature, and all is quiet. This is how to enjoy winter at its best.

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