&noscript=1 /> Buchhütterhof - Quality farm products in Oberbozen - Ritten Hofdetail
Quality products from the farm in Ritten/Oberbozen
Thomas Messner Wolfsgruben 8
T +39 0471 345610 info@buchhuetterhof.com
The farm
Buchhütterhof farm lies at an altitude of 1,200 m in a small valley above the Earth Pyramids on the Ritten/Renon plateau. Its hens are provided with the perfect conditions for laying eggs in their spacious open-air runs and GM-free feed. The farmer’s keen innovative spirit and care and attention also guarantee the animals' welfare in the henhouse, setting ideal conditions for the production of high quality free-range eggs.
Bauer Thomas
hopes you enjoy the products
Telephone +39 0471 345610
mobile +39 338 8409438
Monday to Friday 8 a.m. - 10 a.m
Knowing where it's from
For the chickens living at the Buchhütterhof, there are 3 large stalls with plenty of outdoor exercise. The outdoor enclosure includes two small lakes, meadows and bushes. Wooden tipis and covered areas provide shade for the chickens. At night and when the weather is bad, they retire to the well-ventilated and pleasantly heated stables. They get GMO-free feed with an extra portion of herbs. Thomas Messner produces the natural mixture of dried herbs and spices himself. It gives the eggs from the Buchhütterhof a light, fresh herbal taste. The active ingredients of the medicinal plants also keep the chickens healthy.
Meadow, forest, hiding places, scratching places and much more
Netting and wooden tents protect the chickens outdoors
Farmer Thomas cares for the welfare of the chickens
The eggs are carefully packed at the farm. Every single egg is checked for possible damage and sorted out if necessary.
Each egg is checked and packed by hand
Product display at Buchhütterhof
The Buchhütterhof is a member of the "Roter Hahn" brand with the following product:
Free range eggs
All points of sale
The product from Buchhütterhof may be purchased via the following outlets:
Farm shop
Monday to Friday 8 a.m. - 10 a.m
Also delivered to hotels in the area
Location & arrival
Approx. 100 m after Lake Wolfsgruber turn left onto the road in the direction of Signat. Turn right at the farm sign "Buchhütter" and follow it to the farm.
in Ritten/Oberbozen lies at
1200 metres above sea level.
Activities nearby
The Wolfsgruben bathing lake
Ice skating on the lake
Railway Ritten
Tourist Office Oberbozen Ritten
Hiking on the "Keschtnweg
Railway Ritten
Swimming pool Soprabolzano
Horse Riding School Kaserhof
Tourist Info Renon - Collalbo
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