&noscript=1 /> Burg Latsch - Quality farm products in Latsch Hofdetail
Burg Latsch
Quality products from the farm in Latsch
Irmi und Klaus Oberhofer Bahnhofstr. 14
T +39 338 4235762 info@eva-bio.com
Essig and Fruchtsäfte
The farm
Bäuerin Irmi und Klaus
hopes you enjoy the products
Telephone +39 338 4235762
On sale at farm
All points of sale
Also delivered to hotels in the area
Location & arrival
Burg Latsch
in Latsch lies at
640 metres above sea level.
Activities nearby
Monument Hans der Sager
Tourist office Laces
Latsch Castle
Parish church dei Santi Pietro e Paolo
Nikolaus church Laces
Monument of Kaiser (Emperor) Franz Josef
Mühlrain Residence (Red castle)
Church "Santa Maria in Colle"
Maxx Bike Eldorado
Magic trail at Laces
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