&noscript=1 /> Neufeldhof - Quality farm products in Bozen Hofdetail
Quality products from the farm in Bozen
Michael Komiss Leopoldstr. 16
T +39 0471 633129 info@frutty.it
The farm
Neufeldhof farm lies at the heart of the largest enclosed fruit plantation in Europe. The Komiss family has specialized in dry fruit in addition to apple production in their farm in the valley basin near Bozen/Bolzano. The fruit is cut into rings and gently dried, guaranteeing not only an intensive taste, but also conserving vital nutrients and natural aromas.
Bauer Michael Komiss
hopes you enjoy the products
Telephone +39 0471 633129
mobile +39 338 5090781
On sale at farm
Knowing where it's from
The apple orchards of the Komiss family extend around the farm. Various varieties are grown according to the guidelines of integrated cultivation. These include varieties such as Royal Gala, Fuji, Pink Lady, Red Delicious, Granny Smith, Elstar, Kanzi, Giga and Joya. Depending on the apple variety, the apples are harvested between August and November.
Only picked and optimally ripened apples are processed into dried fruit. In the processing room at the Neufeldhof, the apples are washed, freed from inedible parts and then gently dried in the drying plant. Neither preservatives nor other additives are used.
Precision is required
Careful drying is important
Product display at Neufeldhof
Der Neufeldhof ist mit folgenden Produkten Mitglied bei der Marke "Roter Hahn":
Apple chips
All points of sale
The products from Neufeldhof may be purchased via the following outlets:
Pur Südtirol - Roter Hahn
Also delivered to hotels in the area
Location & arrival
in Bozen lies at
262 metres above sea level.
Activities nearby
Teatro Cristallo/Cristallo Theater
Crib Collection, Muri Gries Monastery
Estate & Monastery Muri - Gries
Stiftskirche in Gries / Chiesa Abbaziale a Gries
Benedictine Monastry of Muri-Gries
Old parish church in Gries
Old parish church in Gries
Siebeneich - Greifenstein Ruins (Sauschloss)
Guntschna walk
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