&noscript=1 /> Unterratschill-Hof - Quality farm products in Latsch Hofdetail
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Quality products from the farm in Latsch
Werner Perkmann St. Martin 38 39021 Latsch
M +39 328 8082566 perkmann.werner@libero.it
The farm
Unterratschill farm is situated on a steep slope at 1,285 m above sea level on the Vinschger Sonnenberg. Sustainable farming is very important to the young farmer Werner. This is why all animals, not only young oxen and lambs, but also pigs and turkeys, are fed silage-free feed with the best mountain meadow hay. His 'Latscher Bergbauernfleisch' is delivered to Bozen in customised portions and vacuum-packed.
Bauer Werner
hopes you enjoy the products
On sale at farm
Knowing where it's from
Farmer Werner keeps cattle of the "Blauer Belgier" breed in his barn, which are born on a carefully selected South Tyrolean farm and come to the Unterratschill farm when they are three weeks old. In addition to cattle, he also keeps oxen, pigs and sheep. The basic feeding is carried out exclusively with the farm's own feed.
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In the processing room at the farm, the fresh meat is carefully cut up and individually packaged in various units as desired. The farmer's expertise in processing guarantees the high quality of the fresh meat and sausages.
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The Unterratschill farm is a member of the "Roter Hahn" brand with the following products:
Mixed pack of pork
Mixed package of young ox (vitellone)
Braten, Filet, Gulasch, Kotelett, Leber, Ossobuco, Schnitzel, Tellerfleisch
Salt meat
Selection of lamb
Kotelett, Ossobuco, Rippen, Braten, Faschiertes, Leber
All points of sale
The products from Unterratschill-Hof may be purchased via the following outlets:
Home delivery
Home delivery free of charge Algund, Andrian, Auer, Bolzano, Brixen, Burgstall, Dorf Tirol, Eppan an der Weinstraße, Feldthurns, Gargazon, Glurns, Hafling, Jenesien, Kaltern an der Weinstraße, Karneid, Kastelbell-Tschars, Klausen, Kuens, Laas, Lana, Latsch, Leifers, Mals, Margreid an der Weinstraße, Marling, Meran, Mölten, Montan, Moos in Passeier, Nals, Naturns, Natz-Schabs, Neumarkt, Partschins, Pfatten, Plaus, Prad am Stilfserjoch, Riffian, Ritten, Salurn, Schenna, Schlanders, Senales, St. Leonhard in Passeier, St. Martin in Passeier, Terlan, Tisens, Tramin an der Weinstraße, Tscherms, Ulten, Vahrn, Vöran
delivery conditions
Also delivered to hotels in the area
Location & arrival
in Latsch lies at
1285 metres above sea level.
Activities nearby
Church San Martino in Monte
Mountainbiking at the Montesole-Trail
Laces panorama trail
Castle Annenberg
Mountain hiking tour at Malga Stierberg
Latschander irrigation channel path
Mountain hut hike at Malga di Marzon
Nature's myths path
Open air pool of Castelbello/Kastelbell
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