The name day of Girlan’s church patron saint is celebrated annually with a huge market.
Every year on St. Martin’s Day it's time for Girlan's “Kirchtig" (church day). The name day of the village church's patron saint is celebrated on 11.11 with a huge fair. Since time immemorial, this ‘Martinimarkt’ has been a big holiday for the rural community. The harvest was over by this time of year and the shepherds, harvesters and salt workers received their wages - a good reason to take a real break for a day, go shopping, meet people and enjoy good food and wine! In the past, the Martinimarkt was also widely known as a livestock market. Animals were sold and fattened up for slaughter. This is why the market still has the nickname of "the last judgement". St. Martin's Market takes place every year on 11 November in Girlan, unless 11 November falls on a Sunday, in which case the event is brought forward to 10 November.