&noscript=1 /> The best farm shops The best farm shops
World of indulgence

The best farm shops

There is a treasure chamber on the farms in South Tyrol. Instead of gold, they are filled with high-quality products.

It isn't just castles that have treasure chambers, the farms have one too. Instead of gold, they are filled with high-quality products.

Indulgence as far as the eye can see

Creamy honey, fruity syrup, crunchy apple rings, smoked 'Kaminwurzen' and old grain varieties - everything that grows and thrives on the farm in South Tyrol is turned into delicious and natural food. In the farm shop, the products get the spotlight they deserve. Packed with care and attention to detail, they are stacked on counters and shelves. The farming family don't just provide you with your favourite products, they will also tell you the story behind them.

All articles at a glance

All articles Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof 17 Qualitätsprodukte 1 Schankbetrieb 1 Bäuerliches Handwerk 1