&noscript=1 /> Breakfast moments on the farm in South Tyrol Breakfast moments on the farm in South Tyrol
Products from the farm

Breakfast moments

The smell of freshly baked bread, delicious breakfast eggs from the barn and fruity jam in a jar - the perfect start to the day.

The smell of freshly baked bread, delicious breakfast eggs from the barn and fruity jam in a jar - the perfect start to the day.

Pleasurable mornings

Breakfast on the farm in South Tyrol thrives on its variety. But no matter which version, the products from the farm play the main role. Hearty 'Speck' and tasty cheese from the farm, as well as aromatic herbs and sweet syrups from the farm garden. will find their way onto your breakfast table. The farmer will carefully prepare the fresh, natural delicacies and serve them in the cosy farmhouse parlour or on the sunny terrace. This is what a farm holiday feels like.

All articles at a glance

All articles Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof 15 Qualitätsprodukte 1 Schankbetrieb 0 Bäuerliches Handwerk 1