&noscript=1 /> The best souvenirs from the farm The best souvenirs from the farm
Keepsakes Keepsakes
Keep your holiday moments alive

Keep your holiday moments alive

Home-made souvenirs are not only a reminder of a lovely holiday, but also make ideal presents for your loved ones.

Home-made souvenirs are not only a reminder of a lovely holiday, but also make ideal presents for your loved ones.

Precious keepsakes

Your departure day is drawing near, but you're reluctant to leave? If you want to eek out your farm holiday, pack a momento in your suitcase. Jams, cordials or eggs will sweeten your day-to-day routine. These home-made gifts will go down well with your friends and relatives as well, and everyone will be able to share in your holiday.

All articles at a glance

All articles Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof 16 Qualitätsprodukte 1 Schankbetrieb 0 Bäuerliches Handwerk 1