&noscript=1 /> Cheese production on the farm in South Tyrol Cheese production on the farm in South Tyrol
Knowing where it comes from

Cheese production

The fresh mountain air, the juicy grass and aromatic herbs from South Tyrol's meadow have positive effects. The cows produce milk of a particularly high quality that is turned into delicious cheese.

How 'white gold' is made at Lehrnerhof

Own raw materials and processing and successfully passing blind tasting by experts: these are the ingredients for 'Roter Hahn' quality products. In this video you'll see how Stefan Köhl puts this into practice at Lehrnerhof to achieve consistently high quality.

All articles at a glance

All articles Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof 15 Qualitätsprodukte 1 Schankbetrieb 0 Bäuerliches Handwerk 1