&noscript=1 /> Holidays on a livestock farm in South Tyrol
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Livestock farm

Livestock farm

Exciting animals

Exciting holiday with animals

When childhood dreams come true while jumping in the hay, the calves are being fed in the barn and the parents are breathing in the fresh mountain air in a deck chair, then you are spending your holiday on a livestock farm. Be it a cow, a goat, a sheep, a rabbit or a pony: everyone will find their favourite.

When childhood dreams come true while jumping in the hay, the calves are being fed in the barn and the parents are breathing in the fresh mountain air in a deck chair, then you are spending your holiday on a livestock farm. Be it a cow, a goat, a sheep, a rabbit or a pony: everyone will find their favourite.

Imagine: the clear fresh air! In the morning the cock crow wakes you up, the children are playing with the cat and the cows are grazing in the pasture. You sit back and enjoy the peace and quiet. A holiday on a farm with animals is the best recipe for a successful family break.

Put on your rubber boots and head over to the barn
Observe the animals in their everyday life, but also lend a hand and take responsibility: that's what children on a livestock farm want. With the right equipment, i.e. waterproof trousers and stable boots, it's time to go into the barn to feed the calves. You might come across the cat in the hay, who is only too happy to be stroked. If you're lucky, you might even be there when a calf is born - an unforgettable moment.

The freedom to let go
A holiday on a farm with animals can mean so much: family time, leisure time, moments of happiness. Around the house there is plenty of space for children to run around and play in the fresh air all year round. In spring, children get excited about newly hatched chicks, young bunnies or little kid goats. And children's eyes light up every morning when their own personal holiday hen lays an egg. In summer the hay is brought in. There are hikes together on the farm's own pasture to visit the calves, goats or sheep that spend the summer on the pasture. The moonlit nights by the barbecue are also unforgettable when the farmer talks about daily life on the farm.
In autumn you can hear the cowbells tinkling on the pasture in front of the farm. The farmers invite you to an afternoon snack with many farm products such as hearty Speck, cream cheese or home-baked bread.
In winter, the farms of South Tyrol treat themselves to a break. The farmers have plenty of time for handicrafts and conversations in the cosy living room. And the calves in the barn munch on mountain hay and dream of next summer. You can experience romantic winter wonderlands in quiet side valleys or stay in the ski areas directly on the slopes, cross-country ski runs and sledging slopes without the hustle and bustle.

A holiday on a farm with livestock is an idyll, for lovers of the authentic, for little animal lovers or nature-loving mountain sports enthusiasts.

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Numbers and facts

Numbers and facts

Livestock farms in South Tyrol

Livestock farms in South Tyrol

Here you will find all the information about livestock farming in South Tyrol. The 'Roter Hahn' brand runs over 1,100 holiday farms with livestock.

Livestock farms in %
0 %
up to 25 %
26% – 50%
51% – 75%
76% and more
Livestock farming
Livestock farming
is carried out mainly at higher altitude areas
Mountain farming
Mountain farming
is lively and sustainable and shapes the landscape
Livestock farming
9,970 farmers keep livestock,
4.300 of which produce milk
Number of cattle
up to 500
501 to 1,000
1,001 to 1,500
1,501 and more
123,000 cattle
are kept on South Tyrol's mountain farms
are South Tyrol's most important livestock and provide milk and meat
Fresh milk (© IDM/Frieder Blickle)
Fresh milk
straight on the breakfast table on a farm holiday
Number of horses
up to 20
21 to 40
41 to 60
61 and more
7,900 horses
live on South Tyrol's farms
Haflinger breed
Around 3,000
belong to the Haflinger breed, which originated in South Tyrol
Riding on the farm
Around 35 farms
under the brand name 'Roter Hahn' offer year round riding
Number of sheep
to 100
101 to 200
201 to 300
301 and more
Sheep on South Tyrol's farms
37,000 sheep
live on South Tyrol's farms and provide wool, meat and milk
The Tyrolean Bergschaf
The Tyrolean Bergschaf
is the most common breed in South Tyrol
The Villnösser Brillenschaf
The Villnösser Brillenschaf
is an endangered breed
Number of goats
to 50
51 to 100
101 to 150
151 and more
Goats in South Tyrol
28,000 goats
are kept on South Tyrol's farms
The Passeirer Gebirgsziege (© TV Passeiertal)
The Passeirer Gebirgsziege
is the most important goat breed in South Tyrol
Goats on the Alpine pastures
On the Alpine pastures
goats are most common in Passeiertal valley
One hundred percent livestock farm

One hundred percent livestock farm

Holiday experiences

Unforgettable holiday experiences

Immerse yourself in the farming world - these are the memories that will last.

Lots of unique livestock farms make for unforgettable experiences. Immerse yourself in the farming world - these are the memories that will last.

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Livestock farms

Livestock farm

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1152 farm farms
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Farm with cattle
1152 farm found farms found
slide 1 of 4
Hütterhof flower flower flower flower flower
Martina Reiterer  | Algund  (Meran and environs)
Farm shop: milk, eggs, honey ...
Farm offers: Barn visits ...
(43 Reviews)
Holiday flat from 120€ a night
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Grubhof flower flower flower
Weithaler  | Naturns  (Meran and environs)
Farm's own products: milk, eggs, seasoning ...
Farm offers: Experience the hay harvest ...
"Very good"
(1 Review)
Holiday flat from 72€ a night
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Zemmerhof flower flower flower
Florian Prossliner  | Kastelruth  (The Dolomites)
Farm's own products: milk, yoghurt, eggs ...
Farm offers: Experience everyday life on the farm ...
"Very good"
(3 Reviews)
Holiday flat from 55€ a night
Your search result


Events with animals

Haflinger Horse Race
Oswald von Wolkenstein Tournament
Schlern area
St Batholomew’s Day Cattle Drive


Which type of farm are you?

Here we go
Roter Hahn

Find out which type of farm is right for you. Have fun!